
Products sold on Jumia must be authentic. Selling fake products is strictly prohibited. Violating this policy can cause losing selling privileges, account suspension or termination, funds being withheld, and inventory being destroyed at your expense. 


Vendors and suppliers are responsible for ensuring all products are genuine. Prohibited items include bootlegs, fakes, pirated copies and products that violate intellectual property rights. This means any product using, imitating, or purposely mimicking a brand name, logo, or trademarked pattern even with slight variations, without the brand-owner consent, is infringing our counterfeit policy. 


We collaborate with manufacturers, rights holders, vendors, and law enforcement to detect and prevent fake products from reaching customers. Suspect listings are removed, and legal action is taken against violators, who may face civil and criminal penalties.


Consequences for violations

Violations of Jumia’s listing policies may result in actions such as:

  • Deletion of product listings
  • Suspension of product creation privileges
  • Returning inventory
  • Destroying inventory in our warehouses without reimbursement
  • Terminating the business relationship
  • Suspension of or permanent withholding of payments
  • Sale of counterfeit products can also lead to legal action, including civil and criminal penalties
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